Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Wild Neighbors

Did you know that Brookgreen Gardens owns 9,000 acres of land?  Much of that land is
 undeveloped, but even the gardens and zoo have a lot of habitat for our wild neighbors. 
 As you visit us, look around!  You may see some wildlife yourself.

Imperial Moth by Pavilion Restaurant

Fox squirrel helping himself to some swan food

Barred owl beside the Alligator Exhibit
 Visitors got some great pictures that day!

Cottonmouth relocated from the zoo

Yellow ratsnake at the zoo.  They can reach 7 feet long!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween with the Otters

Our otter triplets were given a jack o' lantern for Halloween. 
Look how big the otters are now.  They were just born in March!