Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Intern

We have a new summer intern at the Lowcountry Zoo.  His name is Caleb, and he will be with us until August.  Like all of our interns, he is a student of the Zoo and Aquarium Sciences program at Davidson County Community College.  The program teaches classes in zookeeping, and it sends students to gain practical experience at many institutions in North and South Carolina.  Brookgreen Gardens has been proud to be a participating institution for the last five years.

Casey, our intern last year, is administering a baby goat's first health exam.

Robert, a previous intern, is assisting our Curator of Animals in training the alligator.

Tiffany, a previous intern, is feeding five baby deer at once.

Caleb will be assisting the zookeepers with all of our animals.  For example, he will be helping us keep an eye out for baby Spanish Goats!  If any of the females are pregnant (and we suspect they are), they will be due around June 11, 2012.